How cancer screening can help you prevent the disease

Cancer screening is an important part of prevalent healthcare. This is because the practical way to survive cancer is to detect the disease at an early stage and completely eradicate it from the body, before the cancerous cells spread to the rest of the body. Dr. Lalit Banswal is one of the best cancer surgeon in Pune. They provide best cancer screening test in Pune.

There exist ways to identify the presence of cancer even before the disease starts displaying itself in the form of symptoms.

Benefits of cancer screening

  • Cancer screening helps detect the existence of cancer before it spreads throughout the body, making treatment easier and more effective.
  • The earlier the detection of the presence of cancer, the better the individual’s chances of survival.
  • Early detection also means less treatment in terms of both, costs and the use of chemicals and light therapy.
  • Early detection of cancer also means detection of the problem before an individual has to suffer from the symptoms of the manifestation of the disease inside the body.

Facing your fears may be difficult-but important

Many individuals are hesitant to schedule cancer screenings for the fear of a positive result. People may sometimes choose to live in ignorance than actually acknowledge the reality of the presence of the disease in their bodies. Ignorance, however, does not cause the disease to go away – taking steps to eradicate the disease from the body is the only solution to the problem.

Facing the fear of the potential presence of the disease is the first step towards completely removing the disease from the body. If the results are in your favor and indicate the absence of the disease, then at least you are sure that you do not suffer from it. And if the results show up a positive indication of the presence of the disease in your body, it may be disappointing news to hear, but it is best to be in the know and to be able to take steps to prevent the spread of the disease and completely eliminate it before it leads to further complications.

Cancer screening tests can help detect cancer at an early stage and as is common knowledge, early detection greatly multiplies the chances of successful treatment of the disease.

There exist several different types of cancer screening tests. These include the following:

  • Laboratory tests: Cancer screening blood tests and oral cancer screening tests are only some of the various laboratory tests available for the screening and early detection of cancer. Other laboratory tests include the following:
    • Urine
    • Tissue
    • Hormonal imbalances
  • Physical exam and history analysis: A thorough general exam of the body as well as an analysis of personal medical history and the familial genetic history of the disease can help a practicing professional predict the onset of cancer in an individual’s body. A general cancer screening check up includes looking for a lump or anything else that seems unusual.
  • Genetic tests: Genetic tests are tests that are performed in order to look for genetic changes or mutations in the body, that are indications of the manifestations of some forms of cancer.
  • Imaging procedures: Some imaging procedures may also be performed as a part of cancer screening tests in order to obtain pictures of the areas inside the body for further analysis.

Brief About Dr. Lalit Banswal

Dr. Lalit Banswal is an experienced surgical oncologist or cancer surgeon in Pune with experience of more than 15 years. He has performed more than 10000 Onco-surgical operations since 2005. Dr. Lalit’s expertise lies in advanced laparoscopic and thoracoscopic cancer surgeries, robotic cancer surgeries, gastrointestinal/ genitourinary and thoracic cancer surgeries, advanced endoscopic procedures, and advanced surgeries for the esophagus, stomach, colon, and rectum.

Does Family History of Cancer Increases Your Risk of Developing Cancer?

Is cancer hereditary?

Yes, some cancers are genetic or hereditary. They are seen more often in successive generations. A person with a family history of cancer has a higher risk of developing cancer.

What you need to know if more than one family member has contracted the cancer is to find out what type of cancer your family member (s) had and whether it is related to the risk of the family inheritance. Cancer is caused by gene effects and can be passed on from generation to generation, but the probability of it occurring in any blood ratio is not very high. There are also cancers that are not genetic or familial. Other factors such as eating habits, lifestyle such as smoking, and socioeconomic status can affect it.

Cancer due to Gene Mutation:

About 3% to 10% of all cancers are genetic or hereditary. It is the result of a genetic mutation that is passed on from generation to generation. Cancers such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, colon cancer, and uterine cancer are not commonly inherited, but people with a family history of cancer have a higher risk of developing cancer than others.

Does every gene mutation cause cancer?

Not every genetic defect results in cancer. The genes whose defects cause cancer are called cancer susceptibility genes. People having mutations known as BRCA or p53 are especially prone to cancers. These gene mutations are tested among healthy family members by cancer specialists by genetic screening.

Keep in mind that hereditary cancers and genetic cancers are not always the same although these terms appear to be synonymous. Most cancers have a genetic basis, due to a genetic mutation that is transmitted later in life.

What to do if any blood relative has had cancer?

If in doubt, consult a cancer specialist in your area. These doubts may arise if more than one family member has the same type of cancer or if the family has had cancer caused by the same genetic mutation (for example breast and ovarian cancer in different family members).

If your oncologist suggests that you may have a genetic mutation after studying your family history, he or she may ask you to undergo genetic screening.

Awareness of Risk Factors is Key to Preventing Stomach Cancer

Did you know adopting a healthy diet is one of the best ways to potentially reduce your risk factors for stomach cancer?

As with most cancers, doctors may not always be able to explain why one person gets stomach cancer and another does not. Stomach cancer is cancer that starts everywhere in the stomach. It is not very easy to diagnose stomach cancer because it has progressed slowly over the years and people do not always experience symptoms in the early stages and therefore always go unnoticed.

Although the incidence of stomach cancer has declined worldwide, it still remains the fourth most common cancer in India and the third most common in men.

Gastric or gastric cancer is sometimes associated with known risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing the disease. Knowledge of gastric cancer risk factors is therefore a step in the right direction. Some risk factors, such as family history, are beyond your control, but other risk factors, such as diet and tobacco smoking, are things you can absolutely influence.

It is important to realize that avoiding risk factors does not guarantee that you will not get cancer. Also, most people who have a certain risk of causing cancer will never get the disease.

Stomach Cancer Prevention Tips

  • Healthy diet: Eating foods high in fiber, vitamin A and vitamin C can reduce the risk of stomach cancer.
  • Reduce salt intake: Excessive salt intake has been identified as a potential risk factor for stomach cancer. Therefore, reduce or reduce the amount of salt you add to your diet.
  • Include a lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet: Try to include different fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits can help.
  • Quit Smoking: Quitting smoking is probably the best decision you can make for your health. It reduces the risk of many cancers, including cancer of the stomach, head, and neck, larynx, esophagus, lungs, bladder, kidneys, and pancreas.
  • Drink alcohol: Limit the amount of alcohol you drink and do not use tobacco products.
  • Limited intake of canned food: Avoid dirty and pickled food and salted meat and fish.
  • Family history of stomach cancer: Talk to your doctor about the risks of developing stomach cancer, especially if you have a family history of stomach cancer, you have probably inherited DNA.

What’s the difference? Chemotherapy and immunotherapy


Using the right anti-cancer equipment as a tool is essential for oncologists to help their patients achieve the best possible results.

The most common tools used by doctors include chemotherapy and immunotherapy – two cancer treatments that use very different methods. How are they different?

  • Chemotherapy kills fast-growing cells – both cancerous and non-cancerous – in the body.
  • Immunotherapy helps the immune system better identify cancer cells so they can attack and kill them.

Chemotherapy and immunotherapy may be used alone or in combination, or may also be used in combination with other treatments, such as surgery or radiation therapy.

Chemotherapeutic drugs work as they are given and remain in the body, while immunotherapeutic drugs can stimulate the immune system to continue to have cancer attacks, even after treatment has stopped. Chemotherapy has a faster effect, shrinks tumors, and kills cancer cells while preventing the effects of immunotherapy for a longer period of time.


Cancer cells are not like normal cells in the body. They don’t die normally. They divide quickly, over and over again, constantly mutating and developing an immune system that should protect you from disease and infection.

Immunotherapeutic drugs are designed to expose these abnormal cells to the immune system so that they can destroy them. Immunotherapeutic drugs fall into several general categories:

  • Checkpoint Inhibitors: Cancer cells can send signals that deceive the immune system to think they are healthy cells. Checkpoint blockers are designed to interrupt the signal and trigger a response of the immune system against cancer.
  • Cytokines: These protein molecules help regulate and regulate the immune system. To increase cancer resistance, cytokines are synthesized in the laboratory and then injected into the body in much higher doses than the body naturally produces.
  • Cancer vaccine: These drugs can reduce the risk of cancer by attacking the viruses that cause cancer. They can also activate the immune system to attack cancer cells in a certain part of the body.
  • CAR T cells (Chimeric antigen receptor T cells): These are T cells that fight infection, which are taken from the bloodstream, rearranged to attack the cancer cells, and then return to the body. . These modified T cells, called CAR T cells, are designed to attack specific parts of cancer cells.